Friday, June 9, 2017

NOW 2017 List of Legislative Wins and Losses


   Current Status
Pending Senate Insurance

INSURANCE/HEALTH:  Exempts Louisiana residents from the assessment of penalties for noncompliance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (EG NO IMPACT See Note)
Sent to Governor

DOMESTIC ABUSE:  Amends the definition of "household member" for purposes of assistance and protection from domestic abuse
Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs

CULTURE/REC/TOUR:  Provides for the conservation of public military memorials
Sent to Governor

DOMESTIC ABUSE:  Provides relative to abuse among dating partners (EN SEE FISC NOTE GF EX See Note)
Sent to Governor

CRIMINAL/VICTIMS:  Provides relative to rights of victims of criminal offenses
Sent to Governor

SEX OFFENSE/REGISTRY:  Provides relative to sex offender registration and notification

Sent to Governor

CRIME:  Provides relative to the crime of stalking

Sent to Governor

FAMILY VIOLENCE:  Provides relative to temporary restraining orders

Sent to Governor

CIVIL/DISCOVERY:  Provides relative to the stay of discovery in certain proceedings
Sent to Governor

PUBLIC ASSISTANCE:  Eliminates restrictions on eligibility for certain public assistance for persons with prior drug convictions (RE1 +$25,000 GF EX See Note)
Signed by the President

CRIMINAL/VICTIMS:  Directs the Louisiana State Police Crime Lab and the Louisiana attorney general to study and make recommendations for the implementation of a tracking system relative to the status of sexual assault collection kits
Subject to call - Senate final passage

ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES:  Provides relative to holders to alcoholic retail dealer's permits for beverages of high and low alcoholic content. (gov sig)
Pending Senate Health and Welfare

MEDICAID:  Provides relative to Medicaid recipient work requirements. (8/1/17) (OR SEE FISC NOTE GF EX)

Pending Senate and Governmental Affairs

HISTORIC PRESERVATION:  Provides for legislative approval prior to the removal of monuments by local or political subdivisions. (gov sig)

   Current Status
Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations

PUBLIC CONTRACTS:  Requires that any contractor who enters into a contract with a public entity comply with the Louisiana Equal Pay for Women Act (OR INCREASE LF EX See Note)
Pending House Labor and Industrial Relations

EMPLOYMENT:  Prohibits employer retaliation against an employee who discusses wage information
Sent to Governor

COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES:  Provides for free expression on college campuses

Pending Senate Finance

TAX EXEMPTIONS:  Exempts diapers and feminine hygiene products from state and local sales and use tax. (See Act) (EG -$13,000,000 GF RV See Note)

Subject to call - Senate final passage

TAX EXEMPTIONS:  Constitutional amendment to exempt diapers and feminine hygiene products from state sales and use tax. (2/3 - CA13s1(A)) (EG DECREASE GF RV See Note)
Subject to call - Senate final passage

STUDENTS:  Authorizes the state Department of Education and the Louisiana Department of Health to survey students regarding certain risk behavior associated with chronic health conditions. (gov sig)
Subject to call - Senate final passage

LIABILITY:  Provides relative to civil actions and remedies in matters involving domestic abuse. (8/1/17)

Sent to Governor

ABORTION:  Requires proof of identification from parents for an unemancipated minor child to obtain an abortion based upon parental consent and requires court-ordered counseling if it is suspected that the minor is a victim of criminal sexual exploitation. (8/1/17) (RE SEE FISC NOTE LF EX)

Sent to Governor

CRIME/PUNISHMENT:  Prohibits cutting, resection, excision, harvesting, or removal of a body part, organ, or tissue of an aborted unborn child for sale, commerce, transport, research, or profit. (gov sig)

Pending Senate Finance

EMPLOYMENT:  Provides for an increase in the state minimum wage. (2/3-CAs2.1)(8/1/17) (EG +$195,406 EX See Note)

Subject to call - Senate final passage

DISCRIMINATION:  Enacts the Louisiana Employment Non-Discrimination Act. (See Act)
Subject to call - Senate floor

CONGRESS:  Memorializes Congress to extend or eliminate the currently expired ratification time limit on the Equal Rights Amendment.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Help ratify the Equal Rights Amendment!
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The ERA resolution has been introduced in the Louisiana Legislature
and it PASSED out of committee on Wednesday!!
It is now headed to the Senate floor for a vote!
Why the Need for an ERA?

Equality in pay, job opportunities, political structure, education, health care including reproductive health care, and education—in particular for women of color, women with disabilities and the LGBTQIA community—will remain an elusive dream without a guarantee in the U.S. Constitution. The progress we have made—and must continue to make—towards women’s equality can be lost at any time because those advances depend on legislation that can be (and has been) weakened or repealed by Congress. Given the current political climate, this is more of a concern than ever.

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) ensures that gender equity is codified in the United States Constitution. Though passed by Congress in 1972, and ratified by 35 of the 38 States necessary for constitutional passage, the deadline for ratification passed in 1982. Nevada ratified and now only two more states are needed!

Please contact your State Senator and ask them to vote YES on SCR 45 when it comes for a floor vote in the next few days! If you can come to the Capitol and lobby in person, please let us know!

Find out who your State Senator is and how to contact them here:

(adapt as needed or add a personal story how inequality has affected your life)

Hello, my name is [your name] and my zip code is [your zip code].

As a constituent, I am calling to express my concern with the current state of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). Although passed by Congress in 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment has not been ratified and added to the United States Constitution. Currently, we need two additional states to reach the three-fourths threshold. Our state is one of those that has yet to ratify the ERA. Without it, there is no guarantee of constitutional gender equality. Therefore, I am reaching out to ask that [name of your State Senator] revisit the ERA as a topic of dire importance.

On Wednesday, the Senate and Governmental Affairs committee passed SCR 45 out favorably. With the example set by the ratification of the ERA in Nevada, now is the time to secure this legislation in our state. Please vote YES when this vote comes up on the Senate floor.

Women will not be equal in this country until our rights are solidified with the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment. Our state needs to play its important role in the process. I represent many women in our state that want the ERA to pass. Generations of women have fought for the ERA, it’s time to stand with them.

If you are concerned about women’s equality, will you commit to supporting and co-sponsoring the ERA in our State’s legislature?

Thank you for your time, I’m counting on you to ratify the ERA so all our citizens are constitutionally protected!

Your name

In addition, please say THANK YOU to our sponsor and the committee members below who voted FOR AND joined as co-authors on SCR 45!
Yvonne Dorsey Colomb (Our sponsor)
(225) 342-9700

Karen Carter Peterson (Chairman)

Wesley Bishop (Vice-Chairman)

Troy Carter (Presented the resolution)

J.P. Morrell
(504) 284-4794
(504) 284-4796

Gregory W. Tarver
(318) 227-1499
(318) 227-1058
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