The Louisiana Legislature

Guidelines for visiting the Capitol 

Guidelines for Members of the Public Visiting the Louisiana State Capitol


Signing up for alerts and updates


To subscribe to Legislative Committee meetings email with "Subscribe" in the Subject Line.  The listserv will use the contact information from your email for the subscription data base.


To subscribe to the Executive Order promulgation notification email list, send an email to with "Subscribe" in the Subject Line.  The listserv will use the contact information from your email for the subscription data base.

Navigating the Louisiana Legislative website

You can easily watch the House, Senate or any Committee meeting live when in session (click on video camera icon)


The following information can be found on the above webpage:



Next session date and time

Order of the Day (Agenda)



Next session date and time

Daily Digest (Agenda)






You can find out who your legislators are by typing in your address here. Then look up the bio and how to contact your Representative or Senator.


Laws passed in previous sessions can be found here. You can look up laws using a word or phrase, or the Revised Statute (RS) number.


General 2022 Session information such as bill search, journals, and convening times can be found here.


General information on the House can be found here. You can watch House sessions in progress on the front page or archived videos by year and month here. To look up House votes go to the House journal.


General information on the Senate can be found here. You can watch Senate sessions in progress on the front page or archived videos by year and month here. To look up Senate votes go to the Senate journal.


Searching and tracking bills: first set up an account for MY LEGIS.  


Then search for a bill by text using a (single word) or (“”phrase “”) or (word + word) or (partial/root word).


You can then add the bill to your MY LEGIS tracker by clicking on the eye icon in the upper right corner. MY LEGIS will show you the bill status, committee hearing dates and when it will be voted on in the House or Senate.